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Advanced Website Builder Overview

This guide will summarize all available features for the website editor within the ZenBusiness dashboard!

Updated over a week ago

To begin editing your website builder please follow the below steps:

  1. Login to your ZenBusiness Dashboard

  2. Navigate to Web Tools on the left side menu bar

  3. Click on Website

  4. Then click on Build Site if this is your first time or Edit Site if you're coming back to edit.

    1. If this is your first time creating your website please note you will be asked if you want to create a site using the Simple Editor or the Advanced Editor,

From here the sections below will give you an overview of the different sections the Advanced Editor has to offer.


This opens the global design settings, where you can make changes that affect the whole site.

  • Ideally, the global design settings should be set up before editing individual widgets.

  • Once the customer edits the design in a widget, it will override any Global design (font, font-size, etc.)

  • Mobile Site Background and Page Background are separate from Desktop and Tablet


Shows a list of pages, with an option to add a new page and to manage pop-ups. Pages allow you to reorder, manage and create new pages on your site. Popups allow you to add new popups to your site.


You can drag & drop widgets onto your site. Widgets are arranged by categories:

  • Popular

  • Basics

  • Media

  • Business

  • Social



Click “Import Content” in order to import content from a website. Alternatively, manually enter Business Information, text, and images. You can manage the content entered here across widgets on your website.


Use this page to unpublish your site, handle SEO and Google Analytics, update privacy settings, and edit HTML.

Toolbar and other Icons

Choose which page to view

This pulls from the list of pages mentioned above.

View/edit on

  • Desktop

  • Tablet

  • Mobile

Search the Editor

Filter by:

  • All results

  • Editor actions

  • Help articles

Info and Tools

  • Site Info

  • Preview Link

  • Stats

  • Editor Language

Autosave Status & Undo/Redo Functions

  • This will show a checkmark when saved, and 3 dots when saving.

Allows you to undo the last edit or redo the last edit


You can preview your site on:

  • Desktop

  • Tablet

  • Mobile

    • Apple

    • Android

    • Rotate device


After publishing the site for the first time, this will say Republish.


This page has the following sections:

  • Overview

  • Stats

  • Form Responses

Clicking on any of these in the sidebar just scrolls to that section on the page.


Once the site has been published, you will see this page for the site stats, with options for:

  • Overview

  • Content Data

  • Engagement

  • Traffic Sources

  • Browsers & OSs

  • Geolocation

  • inSite

  • Download form responses

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