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Pro Plan

This article goes over the Pro Plan

Updated over 10 months ago

Why does the Pro plan renew annually?

This plan includes ongoing compliance services that help keep your business in good standing, plus access to our customer support team.

Can I cancel my Pro plan but keep the other subscriptions I have?

Yes, you can keep using other subscriptions you have, including Money Pro, banking, and your business website. If you cancel your Pro plan, you'll lose access to the ongoing compliance services included in this plan. For example, all states have annual report requirements that the Pro plan helps you meet.

Can I add other products or services?

Yes, you can add products and services anytime. Go to the More Tools section of your dashboard to see your options. You can also contact us by phone, chat, or through our contact form if you have any questions.

What happens to my LLC if I decide to cancel my Pro plan?

Your LLC remains official even if you cancel with us. However, your LLC is still subject to state requirements, like filing annual reports and filing an amendment when there’s a change to your business. The Worry-Free Compliance service in the Pro plan helps you meet these compliance requirements.

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